Friday, February 20, 2009

bad memories - here now

to Carl:

bad memories invade
shadow swarm trancd
in hos pit bll
alone on floor
wood wigg me in...

we collide mid sky
rough spaceship edges hit ribs scrapin sky in
sidewalk cracks
warm whiskey
leak typewriter keys
yr slurrlaff hittin
shiv my gut.

to Joe:

bad memories top me
back to splintersplit floor
small me & choke me
i fight
reach summerlit
grind saltbones
to bloodmouth.

HERE NOW sunburns hands
dirt moist in bare
pours above sidewalks
streetlite warmd to glass
stumble you float me

to Jess:

Bad Memories
lock torn down door
push back
brainfolds lectrick forklick
pull air in hard take
off skin & stand in free way
push harder
thru rustveins

.here now knees glint sidewalk shards
& we are laughing in the shadows
of stond giants pissin in the cracks
cuz this city is ours
outlaw pussies!

to Stephen:

bad memories
smoke thru bone hollows flash eye lectric handbone facebone body shrunk back small pushing full body back crush soft stone chest cavaty

HERE NOW bang glass fish to train teleport summ voice wind lines basslake backporch whiskey beach yards cut grass machines transmit breath for us.


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