Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nov 4th -Victory!

I saw the hundreds of thousands

the lit up streets

this burst of brillian joy

How does it feel to be livin in a Free Country again?

Goodbye Georgie Bush!

My grandchildren will fly


in the city of sharp angles

"he's not perfect, but he won't take away our freedom"

change! change!

Sirens, silent cop cars

no arrests made

"the cops couldn't do shit, cause they knew if they did-"

Si Se Puede!

bullet proof glass

"Get yr Victory t-shirts heere!"

music in the streets,

screaming in the streets,

a peaceful, joyous mass-

Si Se Puede!

humans from all sides of the city

I know you-

we met at the bus stop-

lifted off the ground in a strong hug

now we will smoke on the el

fireworks in the city streets

Never give up on your country

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